Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Physiology of Erectile Function and Dysfunction
Erection response to sexual interest is the result of interplay between tactile, visual, auditory, and olfactory signals, combined with cognitive inputs, such as fantasy and memory (Figure 1). These stimuli may be erectogenic or erectolytic, pleasant or unpleasant, and are integrated in specific nuclei within the mid-brain. This balance between stimuli may result in pro-erectile signaling transmitted via the spinal cord, pelvic nerves and cavernous nerves running either side of the prostate gland, before finally terminating around the vascular smooth muscle of the corpora cavernosa.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Lesbian Health Inequalities: A Cultural Minority Issue for Health Professionals
Many professionals within our healthcare system maintain a position that lesbian health is synonymous with women’s health, secure in their belief that it is unnecessary to identify women as lesbian or bisexual within a consultation. Indeed, some well-meaning providers regard enquiry about lesbianism as overly intrusive and to be actively avoided. However, being part of a minority sexuality group influences patterns of health and illness and requires specific enquiry within most consultations. International population-based studies indicate a prevalence of lesbian and bisexual identity of around 1.5%, with up to 8% of women reporting homosexual desire or behaviour.
A recent Australian telephone survey that included 9134 women aged between 16 and 59 years, randomly selected from all states and territories, provided a wide range of information regarding sexuality. While 0.8% of the women identified as gay and 1.4% as bisexual, 15.1% reported same-sex attraction or sexual experience. It is reported that 8%–11% of young people have a non-heterosexual orientation.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Relationship Violence Fact Sheet
IPV has also been referred to as battering, courtship violence, dating violence, domestic violence, and relationship violence.
How Widespread is It?
- 1-8 million incidents of IPV occur every year.
- About 32 million adult Americans have experienced IPV in their lifetimes.
- One in five young women reports being abused by a dating partner.
Who is at Greatest Risk?
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Teen Sexuality: Any Questions?
Take your time figuring out what is comfortable and natural for you. If you don’t feel ready to have sex, you are not alone. In fact, most teens do not have sex until they are out of high school.
Do You Ever Wonder ...
- Am I normal?
- Does any one else have sexual feelings like I do?
- How can I deal with the feelings I have?
- Are people going to judge me if I am different?
Friday, October 15, 2010
Stability and Change: Dynmic Risk Factors for Sexual Offenders
There are different methods for distinguishing between the risk levels of offenders. One of my early supervisors recommended an offender assessment system based on two categories: workable, and “no good”. Most current risk assessments are more complicated. Sexual offender risk assessments typically consider a range of risk and protective factors, with the higher risk offenders having more of the risk factors than the low risk offenders.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Condoms - How to Use Them? Condom Tips and FAQ
Keep condoms handy. Have some near where you usually have sex. Store them in a cool place where heat won’t damage them. Avoid exposure to extreme low or high temperatures, moisture, direct sunlight and fluorescent light. If the condom is sticky or brittle or looks damaged, do not use it.
Check the date. Condom packages have an expiration date printed on them. Check the date before you unwrap the condom.
Lubrication. If you want extra lubrication to reduce friction during sex, you can spread a water-based lubricant such as K-Y jelly or Astroglide on the condom once it is on the penis.
No oil-based lubricants! Vaseline, lotions, mineral oil, vegetable oil, or cold cream can damage the latex and cause the condom to break. Never use an oil-based product for lubrication with a condom.
Experiment. All condoms are not created equal. Different styles work better for different people.Try several kinds to find a type or brand you like. Be sure to choose a condom that protects against STDs! For example, lambskin condoms only protect against pregnancy; they do not protect against STDs. This information will be printed on the package.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saving Race: Sex, Marriage, and Family in the Early Mormon Faith and Oneida Community
Both those of the Mormon faith who practiced polygamy and the members of the community at Oneida who practiced complex marriage incurred widespread persecution for their sexual mores, beliefs, and practices. Although very different in doctrine, these sects have many similarities. This paper will explore the correlations and differences among the two faiths in the areas of sex, marriage, family, and reproduction, as well as delineating the persecution they endured.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or Mormonism, as it would soon be known, was founded by the prophet-leader Joseph F. Smith Jr. on April 6, 1830. The new religion was based on a “translation” of some golden plates that Joseph had been shown in a vision and had later found. These translations were printed in the Book of Mormon, which sought to respond to all questions that the Bible left unanswered, especially about the development of America in prehistory. The fledgling faith began in New York, but because of adverse conditions and persecution moved to Ohio, then to Missouri, then to Illinois, and finally to Utah, which is the present day stronghold of the religion. Mormons never truly practiced community of goods, but did have several forms and degrees of economic union including the United Order of Enoch and their current economic system of church support through gifts, offerings, and tithing. Although the Mormons did not succeed in becoming truly communal for more than a few years at a time, they have and have had several communities that have formed a close and cohesive culture distinct from the outside world.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Whose Kids? Our Kids! Teens and Sexual Risk-Taking
While you may not want your child to be sexually active, the reality is that your teen may engage in sexual activity without your knowledge or approval. Just one sexual experience may be enough to endanger your child's life. The risks of teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV (the virus that causes AIDS) are real in today's world.
Teens and sexual risk-taking
Teens who are sexually active, but who don't use birth control are taking a big risk. Studies show that only about half of teens report always using birth control. Sexually active teens who report inconsistent or no use of condoms are at higher risk for contracting HIV than youth who are sexually active and always use condoms. While using a condom greatly reduces the chance of contracting HIV, it does not eliminate it. The only real "safe sex" is no sex.
While it may be difficult to accept, a startling number of teens report having more than one sexual partner. The risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease like HIV increases when a person has sex with more than one person. The risk increases even more when a condom is not used. Thousands of young people ages 13–24 in the U.S. are infected with AIDS.